I hate sheep

/o Cokcatrice est mort ?
le 05/05/2013 20:36
Vous avez un lien crédible pour l'installer si ya un autre serveur ?
haut de page - Les forums de MV >> Général >> Discussion : page 1
le 05/05/2013 20:41
Apparemment, une rumeur dit que Cockatrice s'es sort avec une légère (on va dire) peine d'amende. Une nouvelle version verrait les jours prochainement. Quand? Je ne sais pas.
le 05/05/2013 20:58
Tu trouveras tout les liens utiles la dedans:


Site Anouncements
Please see http://www.woogerworks.com for all anouncements pertaining to any expected problems or outages.

User Code of Conduct
Please read and understand the rules by visiting: http://www.woogerworks.com/cockatrice/codeofconduct.html

User Registration
Register an account at: http://www.woogerworks.com/cockatrice

Server Statistics
Statistics can be viewed at: http://www.woogerworks.com/cockatrice/statistics.php

Cockatrice Users Documentation
Keyboard Shortcuts: http://www.woogerworks.com/index.php/keyboard-shortcuts

How to update your card database
Since the shutdown of the origial site the native Oracle tool does not correctly download cards without updating the source and recompiling. If you are unaware of how to do such a thing, please follow these directions for updating your card database:

In Cockatrice, hit Cockatrice -> Preferences/Settings. Where it says "Path to Cards Database", there is a path to a folder containing the cards.xml file. Navigate to this folder using the native file manager to your operating system. You may need to first show hidden folders and files. Next, download the Cards.zip {listed below}. Unzip it/Extract it, then move the contents to that path. Yes, overwrite. Close and re-open Cockatrice.

Card Database
Sets.xml: http://www.woogerworks.com/files/sets.xml (through Dragon's Maze)
Cards.zip (Complete): http://www.woogerworks.com/files/cards.zip (through Dragon's Maze)
Cards.zip (Standard Only): http://www.woogerworks.com/files/contrib/standard.zip (through Dragon's Maze)
Tokens.zip: http://www.woogerworks.com/files/tokens.zip

Detailed Database Update Instructions (including images)
Howto: http://www.woogerworks.com/index.php/update-card-database
I hate sheep

le 06/05/2013 6:59
Thank you very much TheSource ^^
le 19/05/2013 15:51
bonjour , peut on m expliquer en français svp comment installer le jeu ?
Bruxelles, Belgique

le 27/05/2013 18:11
Aura sa réponse sur ce fil de discussion.
haut de page - Les forums de MV >> Général >> Discussion : page 1
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